Bari, IT 70125, ITALY;

Giuseppe Carbone

Professor, Politecnico di Bari

+39 080 596 3488/3055

Giuseppe Carbone is Full Professor of Applied Mechanics at Politecnico di Bari – Italy. He received MSc Mechanical Engineering Degree on February 1998 and in February 2002 the Ph. D. degree in Advanced Production Systems at Politecnico di Bari Italy. He is Head of the Department of Mechanics Mathematics and Management, and Rector’s Delegate for the Scientific Research and Technology Transfer. In 2010 he founded the Tribology Lab ( He is permanent Academic Visitor at Imperial College London. He is currently Visiting Scholar at University of North Texas. From 2003 to 2009 he has been Visiting Scientist at Juelich Research Center – Juelich (D) and at the Eindhoven University of Technology – Eindhoven (NL). His scientific interests focus mainly on tribology, biomimetics, and mechanical transmissions. Since 2014, he has been also working on collective intelligence and swarm robotics within the Collective Intelligence research group at Politecnico di Bari. He serves as Associate Editor of Chaos Solitons and Fractals, and of the Journal Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering (Tribology Section). He is member of the Editorial Board of (i) Tribology International, (ii) Biomimetics, (iii) ISRN Tribology. He also served as Guest Editor, of Biomimetics, Coatings, Lubricants, and Applied Science. He also acts as referee of more than 70 International Archive Journals, and served as external examiner of several PhD Committee in outstanding Universities all over the Europe. He is also regularly invited as key-note speaker and plenary lecturer at congresses and conferences, and to publish invited papers on renowned archive journals. He acts as associate editor or member of the scientific board of international conferences. His H-index is 30 (source: Scopus). He authored more than 200 publications, of which more than 140 in archive journals indexed in Scopus and ISI Web of Science.